Classification of Thomography Data in 3-dimensional Image Reconstruction

Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) scanners can be used to create a volume by imaging a series of cross sections. Using techniques of imge processing and computer graphics, it is possible to reconstruct medical objects from spatial image sequences and to show arbitray views on a display screen. For this purpose the volume of primary data has to be segmented into objects and a data structure suitable for the display operation has to be generated. For the detection of complex surfaces in 3-dimensional rendering or for the comparison of surfaces in images taken at different times, high quality segmentation methods and deliberate preprocessing are necessary. An image processing system had to built up for the development and the testing of different algorithms of image processing. The general procedure from data recording to 3-dimensional rendering is presented. The procedures of image preprocessing as well as the classification are shown and the inherent problems are discussed.
Stilla U, Schlüter H, Meyer-Waarden K (1989) Classification of Thomography Data in 3-dimensional Image Reconstruction. Intern. Soc. for Bio-analoging Skeletal Implants (BIOSIS), May 18-20, Vevey, Switzerland
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